Birankai Membership

What is Birankai? Birankai is the umbrella organization created by Chiba Sensei under which we, Bucks County Aikido operates. Birankai has a Board of Directors and several committees such as the Senior Council, the Teachers Council, the Ethics Committee, the Examination Committee, and the Technical Team which provide leadership and guidance for members and dojos including Teacher certification.
What are membership dues used for? Birankai uses membership dues to help pay for an Annual Summer Camp, grants for dojos to host seminars, and scholarships for students in need who want to attend Camp or seminars. Additionally, membership dues help to pay the salary of the only paid position within the organization, the Executive Director. Birankai also publishes an online journal and an annual print version of Biran.
Membership dues are $50 and payable to Bucks County Aikido. You can pay by cash, check or PayPal. We will submit payment to Birankai.